Negligent security case involving a client fall while fleeing from a bank robbery in progress. Same bank had been robbed 2 weeks prior, still no bank security. Fractured wrist and knee.
Negligent security case involving a client fall while fleeing from a bank robbery in progress. Same bank had been robbed 2 weeks prior, still no bank security. Fractured wrist and knee.
Pre-litigation policy limits settlement with both the liability and UM carrier in a rear-end motor vehicle collision.
Defendant failed to yield, striking client’s vehicle and fracturing her hand. Client required surgery to repair.
At Brooks Injury Law, we’re dedicated to standing up for those who have been injured due to the negligence of others. In one of our…
Car wreck case resulting in pre-trial settlement with liability carrier.
Client needed injections after 3 car wreck
Animal attack resulting in a renter’s insurance policy limits settlement without litigation.