Head on collision with Defendant drunk driver. Client injured and fiancee killed, resulting in a policy limits settlement
Head on collision with Defendant drunk driver. Client injured and fiancee killed, resulting in a policy limits settlement
Client rearended on I-85 by Defendant who was speeding. Client had a herniated disc and required injections.
Client killed in crosswalk. After insurance company did not accept our policy limits demand, we recovered more than 26x the policy limit.
Car wreck resulting in a concussion. Settlement reached with the liability and UM carrier.
Client rearended at a stop light, resulting in torn ligaments in ankle. After Allstate wouldn’t offer even 1/2 of our client’s medical bills, we tried…
Client sustained multiple herniated discs when struck by Defendant who, while driving a commercial vehicle with too heavy a load, ran a red light.
Motor vehicle collision resulting in a broken leg and facial lacerations. Settlements reached with liability and UM carriers in both pre-litigation and litigation.