Children were injured in a fire. The insurance company initially denied responsibility, but after we brought multiple experts to the scene, the insurance company paid their policy limits.
Children were injured in a fire. The insurance company initially denied responsibility, but after we brought multiple experts to the scene, the insurance company paid their policy limits.
Clients came to Brooks Injury Law with a previous offer of $3000 on their recent car wreck. Brooks Injury Law took the case and settled…
Client struck by Defendant who failed to yield while turning left, resulting in knee surgery and a policy limits settlement.
Policy limits settlement for client who was rearended and required neck surgery as a result.
Our client, a police officer, was responding to a burglary when another vehicle failed to yield. His car flipped over, and he required knee surgery…
Client was a passenger in a bad wreck, resulting in abdominal surgery and severe back pain.
Wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of parents whose son was struck and killed by an off duty county employee