Dog Bite Cases in Georgia: What You Need to Know
- To win a dog bite case, it's crucial to understand both Georgia and local laws regarding dog bites or other animal attacks.
- In Georgia, dog owners can be held strictly liable if their dog attacks someone, especially if the dog was known to be dangerous or if local leash laws were violated.
- Georgia sees a significant number of dog bite incidents each year, with children being the most common victims.
- Successfully pursuing a dog bite case often involves proving that the owner knew or should have known about the dog’s aggressive behavior.
- Brooks Injury Law works diligently to secure the financial compensation you need to recover from a serious attack, a fall caused by a dog, or other related injuries.
- Victims of dog bites in Georgia may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Dog Bites and Attacks
Know the Laws about Georgia Dog Bite Attacks
Just like medical malpractice cases, there is a statute of limitations for dog bites or other animal attacks as well. In Georgia, you have two years after the date of a dog bite to bring a case to court. Georgia is also considered a negligence state regarding dog bites and other animal-related injuries. This means that in order to prove owner liability, an injured person must prove that the owner knew their animal was dangerous and did not take action to restrain the animal or protect people from being injured. If the owner had no previous knowledge or evidence that their dog was vicious, it can be hard to prove liability. An exception to this would be a local leash ordinance can be used to prove that a dog's owner was negligent in handling the animal and keeping the public safe. If you were bit or attacked in an area where keeping a dog on a leash is required, our firm can help you recover damages.
Evidence disappears fast after an animal attack. It is important that you consult with an attorney soon after your injury occurs.
What To Do After a Dog Attack
Seek Medical Attention
It's important to seek medical help right after the attack occurs so that you can receive treatment for your injury and be tested for additional diseases that the dog may have been carrying, such as rabies, staph infection, tetanus, or other bacterial infections that animals tend to have.
Gather the Dog Owner and Witness Info
Get contact information of the dog owner and any witnesses to the attack, if at all possible (name, address, phone number, email address).
Record the Dog's Description
In addition to the owner's information, a physical description of the animal is helpful.
Take Pictures of the Injuries
Take pictures to record the injuries from the dog bite or attack.
Keep a Record of the Location, Date and Time
It is helpful to know exactly where and when the attack occurred.
Contact an Attorney
To receive compensation after your child has been bit, it's important that you contact an attorney that has experience in dog bite cases. Our team at Brooks Injury Law knows the process in dealing with dog bites and they will take the stress off of your hands so that you can focus on your child's recovery.
Dog Bite Facts & Statistics
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