school bus on side of road

School Bus Laws In Georgia

“Operation Stop Arm” was created to bring attention to the importance of school bus laws and addressed the specifics of when you are required to stop for a school bus.

  • When a school bus stops for passengers on a two-lane road, all traffic from both directions must stop.
  • When a school bus stops for passengers on a two-lane road that has a center turning lane, all traffic from both directions must stop.
  • When a school bus stops for passengers on a four-lane road that has no median, all traffic from both directions must stop.
  • When a school bus stops for passengers on a four-lane road with a center turning lane, all traffic from both directions must stop.
  • When a school bus stops on a divided highway that has four or more lanes with a raised median or other physical barrier, traffic that is following the bus is the only traffic required to stop.

Essentially, you are almost always required to stop for a school bus in Georgia no matter which side of the road you are traveling on.

Georgia takes their school bus laws very seriously and breaking this law can result in court appearances, hefty fines, and other penalties. More importantly, disobeying this law can result in a child being seriously injured or worse. Children do not always take proper precautions when crossing streets. It is our responsibility as drivers to be extra careful around school buses to protect our children-their safety is paramount.

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