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Practice Areas Child Dog Bites and Attacks

When your child is bit by a dog, it can be very scary and serious injuries can occur. If your child has been the victim of a dog bite, you are very likely entitled to compensation. Our team is ready to represent you so that you can focus on your little one's recovery. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

Dog Bites

The Most Vulnerable Victims

Most children see dogs as the furry friends that greet them at the door everyday or sleep with them at night. They don't understand how neglected or poorly trained animals can pose a large threat to their safety. Children are some of the most vulnerable people to dog bite injuries for various reasons:

  • Their behavior has been known to spook dogs.
  • Children are smaller, giving dogs the ability to attack easier.
  • They cannot stand up for themselves like an adult can.
  • They can't fully sense that a dog if fixing to attack.
  • They sometimes don't know the correct way to interact with dogs.

Gwinnett County Dog Laws

Gwinnett has a leash law that says it is unlawful for the dog owner or keeper to allow their animal to run at large within the incorporated areas of the city.
Dog owners in Gwinnett also have the duty to take all necessary precautions to protect others from injuries caused by the animal.
While on the owners property, a dog must be kept on a leash or securely restrained within a house or pen.
When off of a leash, the dog must show obedience to their owner or keepers commands to ensure passerbyers safety.
Owners of dangerous or vicious dogs who keep their dogs outside are required to provide a fenced area on their property. Within this perimeter, the animal must be confined inside a pen or kennel. Whenever the dog is outside of its enclosure, but on the owner's property, it must be attended by the owner and restrained by a secure collar and leash.
Dogs that are deemed vicious or dangerous cannot be chained or tied to a tree, post or building, outside of its own enclosure.

How to Prevent Child Dog Bites

Never leave your child alone with a dog or animal.

Even if your child has been around the dog before, you never know what is going to spook them. Leaving the room for one second can result in a catastrophe.

Never approach dogs wandering around your street or neighborhood.

Many dogs look nice, but that's not to say they won't bite when they feel scared. It's best to let them be.

Don't try to split up a dog fight.

Getting in the middle two dogs fighting will likely not end well for you or your child.

Don't approach dogs that are sleeping, eating, or tending to their pups.

Whenever a dog is eating, sleeping, or especially tending to their young, they become very protective their surroundings. They do not want to be bothered and this is typically when they will show vicious behavior.

Child Dog Bite Statistics

Georgia has a two year statute of imitations for dog bite cases.
Newborns, infants, and toddlers, ages 0-2 years old, made up 27% of all dog bite fatality victims from 2005 to 2017.
From 2005 to 2017, 52% of all fatality victims were 10-years and older.
Nearly 50% of dog-bite victims under the age of 4 are attacked by the family's own dog.

What to do After Your Child Has Been Dog Bit

Gather Info
Take Pictures
Keep a Record

1. Seek Seek Medical Attention

It's important to seek medical help right after the attack occurs so that you can receive treatment for your child's injury and they can be tested for additional diseases that the dog may have been carrying, such as rabies, staph infection, tetanus, or other bacterial infections that animals tend to have.

a person sitting at a table using a laptop

2. Gather Info Gather the Dog Owner and Witness Info

Get contact information of the dog owner and any witnesses to the attack, if at all possible (name, address, phone number, email address).

3. Record Record the Dog's Description

In addition to the owner's information, a physical description of the animal is helpful.

4. Take Pictures Take Pictures of the Injuries

Take pictures to record your child's injuries from the dog bite or attack.

5. Keep a Record Keep a Record of the Location, Date and Time

It is helpful to know exactly where and when the attack occurred.

6. Contact Contact an Attorney

To receive compensation after your child has been bit, it's important that you contact an attorney that has experience in dog bite cases. Our team at Brooks Injury Law knows the process in dealing with dog bites and they will take the stress off of your hands so that you can focus on your child's recovery.

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